Tuesday, December 7, 2021

OVERVIEW :Buster Keaton

video essay 1

His flexible and layered persona included the following elements and recurring motifs :

           • Deadpan humour and neutral expression• Acrobatic  skill and heavy use of stuntwork.
• Interactions with physical objects and locations ( sometimes skilled,occasionally clumsy)

He developed a combination of various personae : 

        The outsider clown , not integrated in or subject to the rules of  everyday society or                    underworlds 

         The everyman trying to join in or get ahead• 

          The suitor : Seeking a soulmate and competing for a woman's attentions

article on  his persona and work, with a focus on Cops

YOUTUBE PLAYLIST OF VIDEOS ( Buster Keaton ,silent cinema, contexts.,issues and debates)

Other scenes  from other films

Car on train tracks ( Parlor,bedroom and bath 1931)

                                                      Dream scene from Sherlock Jr (1924)

                                                  Motorcycle chase from Sherlock Jr

Buster Keaton wikipedia

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